Tuesday 30 May 2017

Lesson 10 : Happy Birthday My Friend !

happy birthday to those who was born in June. happy birthday to you and your friend.

lets sing happy birthday song to your friend:

in English:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear [NAME]
Happy birthday to you.

in Arabic :
Sana helwa ya gameel!  
Sana helwa ya gameel!
Sana helwa ya (birthday person's name here)!
Sana helwa ya gameel!

*Jamil means handsome in English but if that person if a girl, you can say Jamilah which means beautiful.

in korean:

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
sarang ha neun -- (name) shi
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

in Japan:

Otanjyoubi omedoto
otanjyoubi omedeto
otanjyoubi omedeto (name) san
tanjyoubi omedeto!

So today, I will share with you on how to say happy birthday to someone by using Japanese style.

when you want to say happy birthday to someone by using Japanese languange, you just have to say 

        (your friend name)     
Otanjyoubi omedoto.

*Otanjyoubi omedoto means happy birthday to you

for example, today is Naruto's birthday, and you want to wish him, so, you can say,

Naruto san, 
Otanjyoubi omedoto.

So that's all from me.. Good bye.
I got to go to now becoz I have to attend a birthday party next to my house. Sayonara. 

Lesson 9 : My Daily Life's Schedule

Hello, and good morning,

Today I will not talk longer. This is because, i am so busy because my schedule is so very pack. Just like the sardine in the sardine's can.

Okay, I am kidding. Today, I will share with you guys about my daily routine.

Every person in this world has their own routine. It does not matter if you are a baby, a kid, or an adult. For a baby, on the morning, they will sleep while during night, they will wake up to get an attention from their parent. For a kid, they will go to school on the morning, back to home during evening and do their homework before going to sleep during night. For the adult, the responsible is increasing since they have to independent. In addition if have family. So, since we have packed schedule, it is so nice if we have an organized schedule of daily lives.

I will show to you organized schedule of daily life's.



Lesson 8 : Can you Please Help Me ?

Hello and good night.

Why am I mentioning night? 

No, that's becoz I am writing it during night. Not because I want to share something about night. 
How are you today? Are you good or are you not good? If not good, you should learn this.

Today, i will teach you on how to ask/say where to put things in a room.

in order to ask/say where to put things in a room, you should know a positions in Japanese. there are 4 position i will share with you tonight.

FIRSTLY, in Japanese INSIDE is NAKA ( なか )。

SECONDLY, Japanese word for IN FRONT is SHITA (した)。

NEXT, Japanese word for UP is UE (うえ)。

THEN, Japanese word for BACK is BAKKU (ばっく)。

LASTLY, Japanese word for BESIDE is YOKO (よこ)。

Next, when you want to ask a help from anyone it is better for you to say sumimasen first before asking for help. Sumimasen means sorry or excuse me in Japanese.

After that, you can ask your friend to help you.

Just see at this conversation on how to ask your friend to help you:

Yamamoto                :           I am sorry Kira. I need your help.
Sumimasen, Kira san. Anata no ochikara ga hitsuyou nan desu. / tasukete hoshiin desu.
済みません吉良さん。あなたのお力が必要なんです / 助けてほしいんです.

Kira                            :           It's okay.

Kira                            :           Yamamoto, where should I put this doll ?
Yamamoto san, ningyoo wa doko desu ka

Yamamoto                :           Please put it on the table.
Teeburu  no ue  ni onegaishimasu.
テーブル のになかおねがいします。

Kira                            :           On the table.
Teeburu  no ue  desu ne.
                                                テーブル の上 ですね。

Kira                            :           Oh,okay

* The one that I have highlighted, you can replace it with suitable word according to your instruction.

So, that's all from me this night. thank you for learning your eyes to read this post. 

Now, you can help you Japanese friend if there need your help to tidy their home. Jaa mata.

Monday 29 May 2017

What I Have In My Room ?

部屋 (heya) means room in Japanese!

The Japanese word for window is  (mado)!

The Japanese word for desk is  (tsukue). 
For table, you can say, 他ベール(tabeeru).

本棚 (hondana) means bookshelf in Japanese!

Chair in Japanese is いす (isu) .

The Japanese word for telephone is 電話 (denwa)!
The Japanese word for cell phone is 携帯電話 (keitai denwa) or just 携帯 (keitai).

The Japanese word for clock is 時計 (tokei).

The Japanese word for bed is ベッド (beddo).
Traditionally, Japanese people slept in a ふとん (futon), not in a bed. Although many Japanese people still sleep in a ふとん (futon), many people in Japan now sleep in a bed.



The Japanese word for television is テレビ (terebi).

Computer in Japanese is コンピュータ (conpyūta) .

ランプ (ranpu) means lamp in Japanese!

The Japanese word for door is ドア (doa)!

For light, you can say, 電気 (でんき(denki).

Lesson 7 : My House, My Heaven


How are you? I hope you are in a pink of health when you are reading this post. If you are not feeling well, it is better for you to just stay at your home and avoid from meeting people. if you are doing so, why don't you read this blog in order to get some knowledge. also, who knows that you will feel better after reading this blog. Knowledge increase, pain decrease. 

Every person in this world need a home. Home is place we get shelter from heat and cold. So, if you have a home, you should be thankful even your house is small because there are so many people out there don't even have a home. so, please be thankful to god because give you a house to avoid from heat and cold.
Okay, that's all my lecture. 

So today, we will learn about house and home.

Firstly, when you want to describe your house to other people, you should know what is your house look like.

On this blog, I can post about Japanese and Malaysian home style only because of lack of my information about home in other country. Sumimasen. 

Aparto (Apartment) 
These are mainly two-story buildings constructed from light-weight steel, wood, or mortar, and house 4 to 8 households. Some of them share a toilet and/or have no bath. 

Mansion (Apartment) 
In Japan, housing which is bigger than an Aparto and built with reinforced concrete is called a Mansion. The insulation is better than an Aparto, and privacy is better. Some have a custodian living on the first floor or others have an underground parking lot.

Detached house 
Detached houses have recently been designed using a mixture of Japanese and Western styles. Some of them have a garden. There are several rental houses designed especially for non-Japanese' but not many.

In Malaysia, we have,

Terrace House ( リンクハウス ) [rinku hausu]

Once considered the mainstay of the Malaysian housing market, terrace houses were favoured due to their landed qualities and ease of renovation. Terrace houses usually feature a small yard in front or behind the house which could be extended to extend the built up of the entire house. The houses have since fallen out of favour in major states due to rapid urbanisation.

Bungalow or Detached House ( バンガロ ー ) [bangaroo]

Considered a luxury amongst Malaysians. Stating you owned a bungalow was typically a license to brag among neighbours back in the old days. The original term bungalow was used to refer to houses built during the colonial era but local real estate lingo had incorporated it to include detached houses and also mansions. Bungalows are characterised by it being a standalone house on its own land.

Semi D or Semi Detached House ( セミーディー ) [semi dii]

Semi D’s have been gaining a bit of a standing in Malaysia as it has been the focus of many major developers in Malaysia. Semi D are joined on one side to another property making a single building. Homes are said to mirror each other in terms of setup. It is also commonly referred to as a duplex.

Apartments/Flat ( フラット ) [furatto]

The flat is perhaps the most basic setup one can go for in Malaysia. They are typically for those who are looking for a budget. Flats, though affordable in Malaysia have a reputation to be poorly managed and have certain security concerns.

Condominiums ( コンドミニアム ) [kondominiamu]

A target of the modern urban crowd in the cities. Major states in Malaysia have seen the rise of condominiums through rapid urbanization. Condominiums typically feature better facilities and security compared to flats. The main distinction is that condominiums typically charge a monthly or yearly upkeep fee in order to keep their keep their facilities in order.

Lesson 10 : Happy Birthday My Friend !

happy birthday to those who was born in June. happy birthday to you and your friend. lets sing happy birthday song to your friend: ...