Saturday 20 May 2017

Lesson 1 : How To Introduce Yourself In Japan?

Greeting is one the  communication in which human nature intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. Greetings sometimes are used just prior to a conversation or to greet in passing, such as on a sidewalk or trail. While greeting customs are highly culture and situation-specific and may change within a culture depending on social status and relationship, they exist in all known human cultures. 

In some languages and cultures, the same word or gesture is used as both greeting and farewell. Examples are "Hello" in English, "As-Salamualaikum" in Arabic, "Aloha" in Hawaiian, "Shalom" in Hebrew, "Namaste" in Hindi, "Ciao" in Italian and "Konnichiwa" in Japanese. The bow and handshake are also used for both greeting and leave taking.

So, today, I would like to share with you guys about how to introduce yourself in Japan style.

Firstly, in Japan, people will greet each other by saying :

( はじめまして )
" It's nice to meet you "

And then, you can proceed to the next step, which is introducing your name:

I am            .
Watashi wa  ( your name )  desu. 
 ( わたしは                     です )

I am Mohammad.
Watashi wa   Mohammadu   desu. 
( わたしは  もはっまづ です)

If you want to state your country, you can say,

I am              
Watashi wa  ( your country + jin ) desu.
わたしは                です)

I am Malaysian.
Watashi wa   Marashia jin   desu. 
わたしは まらしあ です)

Also, you can state your age by you using this way,

My age is             .
Watashi wa  ( your age )  desu. 
わたしは                です)

My age is 21 years old.
Watashi wa  ni juu ichi   desu.
( わたしは 二十一です )

 Besides using watashi wa  ( your name )  desu, you can also say,

 My name is             .
Watashi no namaewa  ( your name )  desu.
 ( わたしのなまえ                  です )

My name is Mohammad.
Watashi no namewa   Mohammadu   desu.
( わたしのなめは もはっまづ です 

for example :

watashi no namewa nuaimi desu. ( My name is Nuaim. )
watashi wa mareshia jin desu. ( I am malaysian. )
watashi wa 20 sai desu. ( I am 20 years old. ) 

So, that's it from me. can you introduce yourself right now?

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